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Road School: Ontario History with Kids

History was my favorite subject in school so I have tried to nurture an appreciation for the past in my kids as well. I believe the best way to instill a love of history in my kids is to take them to interesting historical sites where visitors immerse themselves in the past. Fortunately, there are a number of attractions across the province of Ontario that are ideal for hands-on Ontario history lessons.

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Road School: American Revolution Field Trip to Boston and Philadelphia

The ultimate payoff for this trip was answering my nephews’ questions about the Revolutionary War and the reasons why things unfolded as they did, discussing whether King George in England was fair in his expectation of colonists, and posing the question of which side they would be on. They now knew enough and had seen enough to be able to ask some thoughtful questions, even at the tender ages of 8 and 11.

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Road School: Pioneering History in California, Nevada, and Oregon

As lifelong residents of the Western US, my family and I love pioneering history. Since the moment my 4th grade class studied the California Gold Rush, I was hooked, and I’ve passed on my passion for this chapter of our nation’s history to my kids. Nearly everywhere we drive in the West harbors some vestige of early settlements, Native American life, or pioneering struggles.

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Road School: Crafting an Engaging Educational Trip for Kids

Now with a 10, 8, and 3 year old, we’ve entered the golden age of traveling with kids, where the topics that intrigue our children are fascinating to us as parents too. Evolving our trips from family vacation to rich learning experiences took a sprinkling of intentionality. Here are some tips for how to make the most of the learning opportunities your travels afford.

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Road School: Why Travel is Our Favorite Way to Educate our Kids

Trekaroo’s founder, LiLing Pang shares about why their family has prioritized travel for their children’s education. Trekaroo also announces the launch of a new Road School series – a collection of Road School guides to help parents explore various educational topics with their kids.

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Why We Travel: Living the Dream Through Intensive Travel Therapy

My name is Tina Buell and I’m almost 40. I’m a single mom and my 5-year-old son is autistic. I live in a modest house, drive a modest car, and have never been married. Even though I’m very happy, my life didn’t turn out the way I thought it would.

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