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11 Things to do in Death Valley (Plus 12 Great Tips!)

11 Things to do in Death Valley (Plus 12 Great Tips!)

We all know Death Valley for its smoldering summers, but did you know that it is also has stunning scenery and ideal winter temps? Believe it or not, there are lots of amazing and fun things to do in Death Valley with kids on a family vacation!

When many of our country’s national parks are covered in snow and too cold to bear, Death Valley is prime for exploring. Don’t know what to do in Death Valley? Luckily, we do! And we have plenty of important Death Valley tips to share as well.

Here is our guide on all the best things to do in Death Valley with kids, from epic hikes to sledding down sand dunes. Updated for 2023!

Love animals? Here are 24 animals in Death Valley you might encounter on your trip.

When is the best time to visit Death Valley?

Things to do in Death Valley include rolling down sand dunes

My family learned the hard way that summer comes to Death Valley early. had forecasted highs in the upper 80s. was wrong! Painfully wrong. 105 most certainly does not qualify as the high 80’s, especially when you are tent camping.

Not that it came as a shock that Death Valley would be hot. After all, it does hold the record for the hottest temperature ever recorded: 134 degrees on July 10, 1913.

I quickly realized why the high season in Death Valley is November through March. April was, most definitely, pushing it when it comes to camping and all-day hikes in the sun.

A friend had suggested that we leave our exploring for before noon and near sunset, occupying our afternoons at the swimming pool at Furnace Creek Ranch. That great advice made our hikes actually quite enjoyable.

Do I suggest camping in Death Valley in April? No! But I do suggest that your family does visit this remarkable national park in the cool season months of November through March there really is so much to see and do. This park marveled me with its diversity and tremendous beauty.

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What are the most popular things to do in Death Valley National Park with kids?

Taking scenic drives is one of the top things to do in Death Valley

The top things to do in Death Valley National Park include visiting the lowest point in North America, visiting sand dunes, and hiking through incredible desert scenery. You definitely will need a car to explore this enormous park.

Is 2 days enough for Death Valley? This park is certainly huge, but two full days will allow you to see some of the biggest highlights. This guide will keep you busy for a few days inside the park, but many folks return again and again this vast and unique landscape.

The Best Things to do in Death Valley in Furnace Creek & Badwater

Furnace Creek is Death Valley’s main hub so expect trails and points of interest to most crowded in this part of the park. Here you will find several great places for families to explore as well as the bulk of the park’s lodging, camping, and restaurants.

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Check out the Views at Zabriskie Point

Zabriskie Point is a good place to visit in Death Valley
Zabriskie Point, photo by Sharlene Earnshaw

Most people stop at this overlook as they are driving into Death Valley National Park from its east entrance.

A short walk up the hill from the parking area is rewarded with colorful views of the surrounding badlands. As with most places in Death Valley, the “magic hour” light at sunrise and sunset really makes this place come alive.

Hike Through Golden Canyon

Golden Canyon in Death Valley National Park
Golden Canyon, photo by Sharlene Earnshaw

Hike through this multi-hued, high-walled canyon. Choose to hike one mile out-and-back or complete the four-mile loop. Another option is to take the trail from Golden Canyon to Zabriskie Point. Keep an eye out for abandoned mines along the way.

I did see a couple people pushing strollers on the hard packed dirt but I expect they had to do a bit of maneuvering in some spots.

Part of the fun of Death Valley for my family was that we could head off trail (anywhere in the park!) and climb through all sorts of slot canyons.

Enjoy the Many Hues of Artist’s Drive

Artists Drive is a good thing to do in Death Valley with kids
Wandering the colorful hillsides off Artist’s Drive, hoto by Sharlene Earnshaw

Bring your camera on this nine-mile, paved, one-way road. It is fun to drive in the late afternoon when the light is soft and the colors of the mountains seem to glow.

Halfway along the drive there is a parking lot. Stop there and get out to explore the colorful canyon and wash highlighted by greens, reds, oranges, and browns sprinkled through the dirt walls.

Star Wars fans will enjoy imagining they are watching R2D2 search for Obi-Wan Kenobi. That scene from the original Star Wars movie was filmed here. 

Check Out the Jagged Landscape at Devil’s Golf Course

Devils Golf Course in Death Valley
Devils Golf Course

Evidence of Death Valley’s former existence as an inland sea is extremely evident here. An huge expanse of rock salt eroded into jagged spires has formed a landscape like none I had ever seen before.

It is fun to trek out a bit onto this unusual landscape but be extra careful not to fall because nobody wants a cut full of salt!

Visit the Lowest Point in North America

Badwater Basin is one of the great things to do in Death Valley with kids
Badwater Basin

This is what everyone comes to Death Valley to see. The lowest point in North America (-282 feet), Badwater Basin, is impressively offset by Telescope Peak looming 11,331 feet above just 15 miles away. This is also where the hottest temperatures in world are often recorded in the summer.

Visitors can walk out onto the salt flats and marvel at the small spring which gives the location its name. Of course, the obligatory family picture next to the “lowest point” sign is a requirement.

Explore Sidewinder Canyon

Hiking Sidewinder Canyon in Death Valley with kids
Sidewinder Canyon, photo by Michelle McCoy

The opportunity to explore winding, narrow slot canyons rewards hikers who make the two mile trek up to Sidewinder Canyon. Families with teens and older kids should put this hike near the top of their list of things to do in Death Valley.

The canyon slopes up from teh parking lot with at last three narrow slots to explore off of the main wash. The walls are so narrow in some places that you can use your hands to touch both sides of the canyon at the same time.

The light shining down through the slot canyons will show in different tones and are absolutely a delight to explore. Get a map from the visitor center before taking this unmarked hike.

Death Valley made our list of the best national parks in California. See what other special places made the list.

Things to do in Death Valley Near Stovepipe Wells & Scotty’s Castle

Stovepipe Wells is about 30 minutes from Furnace Creek. There is a general store, restaurant, and some lodging/camping options. It is also a fun place to explore and with significantly fewer people than Furnace Creek.

Slide Down Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes

Making sand angels on the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes in Death Valley National Park
Making Sand Angels on the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, photo by Sharlene Earnshaw

You will find the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes beside the road just before Stovepipe Wells. While they are not the largest dunes in Death Valley (that title goes to the Eureka Sand Dunes which requires a 2.5 hour drive down a dirt road from Scotty’s Castle), they are the most accessible and very still very impressive.

There are no trails at the sand dunes so just head on out and start climbing! We saw a group of Boy Scouts snowboarding on the sand and it looked like a blast! Boogie boards may also work on the dunes although we found out the hard way that cardboard does not. Running full speed down the sandy hills may be the biggest thrill of them all!

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Make Your Own Path at Mosaic Canyon

Mosaic Canyon in Death Valley National Park
Mosaic Canyon, photo by Sharlene Earnshaw

A short gravel road (fine for all cars) just outside of Stovepipe Wells leads to Mosaic Canyon, our favorite place to hike in Death Valley.

The walls of this canyon look like polished marble in many places and the opportunities to climb, scramble, and spot wildflowers are abundant. Bighorn sheep are sometimes spotted in the canyon.

The canyon is about two miles deep but since this is an out-and-back trail, you can make your hike as long as you would like. We opted to climb straight up the side of the mountain on our way back, giving us amazing views of the Stovepipe Wells area.

Here are our picks for the Best National Park Hikes for Families

Look for Pupfish in Salt Creek

Salt Creek in Death Valley
The Boardwalk along Salt Creek in Death Valley, photo by Michelle McCoy

About halfway between Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells you will find the turnoff for Salt Creek. It is home to  an extremely rare species of pupfish that survives in a salty and warm (up to 90 degrees in the summer) creek.

The fish are most active in the spring when they are busy mating. A 1/2 mile boardwalk runs alongside the side of the creek, making it easy to spot these special fish.

Important note: Salt Creek is currently closed due to flood damage. The flooding damaged the boardwalk and changed the creek bed. No anticipated opening date has been published.

Visit Scotty’s Castle

Scotty's Castle in Death Valley

Located 54 miles north of Furnace Creek is Scotty’s Castle, an elaborate mansion built truly out in the middle of nowhere in the 1920s. Living history tours are offered by costumed park rangers. The park’s Junior Ranger handbook has a scavenger hunt for the kids to complete while at the “castle.”

Important Note: Just when the Scotty’s Castle area was recovered from the 2015, Death Valley was once again hit by catostrophic flooding in the summer of 2022. The road to Scotty’s Castle was heavily damaged and not expected to open until spring of 2024.

Stand in Wonder at Ubehebe Crater

Death Valley With Kids Ubehebe Crater

This 660 foot deep crater along the road to Scotty’s Castle is the result of a volcanic explosion a couple hundred years ago. While the crater is visible from the road, it is also possible to hike along the crater rim.

Important Note: This road was also impacted by flooding and not expected to open before mid-February 2023.

Important Death Valley Tips to Know Before You Go

Death Valley Coyote
Coyote begging on the side of the road in Death Valley, photo by Sharlene Earnshaw
  • The park is huge! As a matter of fact, Death Valley is the largest National Park in the lower 48. Las Vegas is the closest major city, about 2 1/2 hours a way. A car is necessary for exploring this park. Gas is available at Furnace Creek and Stovepipe Wells. Prices reflect this remote location, but it is typically cheaper to buy gas in Stovepipe Wells than Furnace Creek.
  • Head to the park Visitor Center in Furnace Creek first. This is where you can pay your park fees, pick up a Junior Ranger booklet, ask park rangers questions, and explore several interactive exhibits.
  • If the weather is warm (and it usually is), opt to hike during the morning and early evening, leaving the middle of the day for pool time or some quality time in air conditioning. Remember, almost the entire park is listed as wilderness so you are free to explore off-trail as much as you would like. There are a few, clearly signed exceptions like at Salt Creek.
  • When heading out on a hike, always wear hiking shoes (the dry dirt and gravel can be quite slippery), and bring sunscreen, lip balm, and plenty of water. A hat with a brim is crucial to protect you from the heat and wind. The air is very dry in Death Valley so you will likely find yourself more parched than normal.
  • We recommend that you pack a cooler full of groceries and bringing it with you to Death Valley. General Stores do have some basic food supplies, but prices are at a premium.
  • If you opt to camp, be sure to head over to the Ranch at Death Valley and purchase a shower/pool pass. The pass is lifesaver after a morning of dusty and hot hiking. The pool is fed by a warm, underground spring, as is the nearby golf course.
  • Ice is worth its weight in gold at Death Valley. If you find yourself needing ice, purchase it at the general store in Stovepipe Wells. They charge about $6.00 for a small bag of ice at the Furnace Creek Ranch General Store! Firewood is also significantly cheaper in Stovepipe Wells.
  • Keep your eyes out for coyotes while driving. Park visitors have obviously been feeding the coyotes because they will fearlessly run towards your car in search of a handout. We had one approach the car about 30 miles south of Badwater while I was going 45 miles per hour. Yes, he was adorable as he sat about 10 feet from our car with his most charming look, but I can’t help but worry that his life will be cut short by a driver who isn’t paying attention. DON’T EVER FEED WILDLIFE!
  • Mining played an important part in Death Valley’s history, especially borax mining. Evidence of this history can be found at a museum at Furnace Creek Ranch, at the Harmony Borax Works near Furnace Creek, and several abandoned mines throughout the park. Take caution and do not enter these mines. 
  • Spring wildflowers are like little miracles in Death Valley. They sprout up out of rocky crevasses surrounded by ground that seems entirely unsuitable for maintaining life. We saw the most wildflowers in a mountain pass near the park’s southern entrance. You can check the wildflower forecast on Desert USA.
  • If you are looking for lodging, the Ranch at Death Valley is really a great place for families. There are plenty of activities on sight- shuffleboard, swimming, horseback rides, bocce, and golf to name a few. Plus there a few dining options on the property and the park visitor center is just steps away. The Inn at Death Valley is a great option as well and definitely more upscale than the more motel-style Ranch.
  • The evening is a great time to enjoy Death Valley. Stars are abundant and the Milky Way is visible. If a full moon is present,  consider heading to the sand dunes  for some moonlit exploration.

This video provides a nice overview of Death Valley, including its history.

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Sharlene Earnshaw
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