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Why We Travel- The World is Our Teacher

Why We Travel- The World is Our Teacher

Why-we-Travel Stories travel inspiration

Travel is a way to see life as it is meant to be seen. Travel is the freedom to learn, to let go, to live, to wander, to marvel, and to take you away.

Travel has always been a part of my life. From traveling as an infant to Peru to see family to exploring Europe as a college student for knowledge or traveling by car all over America for my first job, I have always enjoyed traveling, meeting new people, and experiencing new parts of the world and their cultures. Travel has shaped me. I now can appreciate and understand that there is no substitute for learning life lessons other than in the world itself. New places and new adventures soothe my soul. It is breathtaking to see the sun rise or set in some place new. For me it puts into perspective how truly blessed we are to live on this little planet Earth. We are only allowed to take memories with us when we leave and let’s face it- what do we have with us as adults as a token from our past? Childhood memories.

Lima Peru

Now having children, I long to travel even more so that we can create such amazing childhood memories for my children together as a family. Traveling creates experiences and teachable moments, life lessons that cannot be taught inside a classroom. The world itself and the people they encounter become their teachers.  My dream for them is that they learn to find themselves doing things they love, experiencing life, and being made aware of the world around them.  Children learn by example and I hope we are able to set the example to live life to the fullest, as life is too short to do otherwise.

Daytona Beach

We’re excited to kick off this brand new series here on Trekaroo where you get an inside glimpse into why our family of writers have chosen a traveling lifestyle.  To see other articles in this inspirational series, check out Why We Travel.

We would love to hear your story. Tell us why you travel in the comments. 

Marisa Langford